Columbus Massage Studio

Open 7 Days a Week

Monday – Saturday 10:00am to 9:00pm

Sundays 12:00 Noon to 5:00pm

Deep Tissue Massage

Swedish Massage

Shiatsu Massage

Two Hand Massage

30 Minutes $40
60 Minutes $60
90 Minutes $90
120 Minutes $120

Chinese Tuina

Back Walking

Thai Body Massage & Walk

Couples or Four Hand Massage

30 Minutes $80
60 Minutes $120
90 Minutes $180
120 Minutes $240

Hot stone

Hot stone effectively softens and decomposes adipose tissue, high temperature accelerated the whole bodies metabolism, dissolves fat cells, yeast, aids in detoxification, leaves the body with a comfortable and warm feeling. With hot stone aiding lymphatic drainage it helps to get toxins out of the body.

Why should you get a massage?

Due to the large amount of oxygen consumption in cycling or other intense activities, lactic acid is produced which will be noticed as systemic or local muscle pain, muscle fatigue, ligament spasm, etc.

The rapid and coordinated movement of muscles will be affected. In severe cases, there will be cramps, swelling and pain.~ Massage will relax and restore the muscle comprehensively, effectively increases the length of muscle fiber before contraction, relaxes the antagonistic muscle group, improves the contraction speed of muscle fiber, increases muscle tension and improves flexibility.

Massage will reduce muscle soreness, improve muscle work efficiency and improve the muscles energy supply process, which is conducive to the improvement of speed endurance.

Body Massage

Body massage refers to the use of massage manipulation, the stimulation of the proper part of the body to influence the function of the body’s neurohumoral adjustment through reflection, so as to eliminate fatigue, adjust the changes in the body’s environment, enhance physical fitness, longevity, and prolong life.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage  is aimed at a single muscle dysfunction. The treatment that concentrates on a certain point of the body can change the relationship between muscles, fasciae, and bones by means of manipulation. It often brings great changes to the structure of the body and greatly reduces muscle tension